Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dissappointing Thanksgiving

So Thanksgiving was *checks watch* like forever ago and I have a little dandy story about it.

So on Thanksgiving day me and my folks along with my grandpa headed down to my uncle's for a good ol' Thanksgiving dinner. Now normally, my cousin's usually piss me off so this wasn't going to be a happy go lucky occasion to begin with. So we get there and we're chatting it up and what not until my parents ask what's for supper. My uncle's girlfriend says: "Oh we're having Greek tonight". Now that right there was the first strike to the major problem, but what was next was much worse. My dad asks what that entails and she says that we're having L A M B, P O T A T O E S, and M O U S S A K A.

Now for me, when I think of Thanksgiving I think of Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, etc. But when I hear we're having Lamb not even the size of my palm, boring potatoes (not even salted), and eggplant lasagna a little voice inside me says "That's it, I'm done with this family". The main reason I'm mad is because I haven't had turkey all year and when I finally get to the moment where I can and it's given, I don't. The only saving grace was that there was pumpkin pie but even that had problems with it.

1. It went along with other pies and desserts
2. It was completely shunned except for me having a slice or two
3. The only reason it was there was because we bought it, knowing that I would be the only one who would eat it.

I just hope there will be turkey at Christmas, or you can just count me out at other family gatherings.

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